Children's Occupational Therapy

A child’s main job or vocation is playing and learning. We offer bespoke paediatric occupational therapy assessments and treatments in the West Midlands.

What is Paediatric Occupational Therapy?

Paediatric or Children’s Occupational Therapy is all about improving a child’s independence in daily living tasks.  Children learn and develop through playing and interacting with their environment.  This enables them to develop essential life skills that will allow them to connect with others and do things independently. Due to the rapid growth and development during the 0-18 year period, their needs are constantly changing. Some children will have difficulties from birth whilst others will acquire difficulties later in their development. 

We can evaluate their skills for playing, school performance and daily activities, and if applicable we can then use standardised tests to help determine what is developmentally appropriate for that age group. A tailored treatment program will then address any identified needs to achieve improvement gains in their cognitive, physical, sensory and/or motor skills – This usually empowers them with an enhanced self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment. The involvement and support of the child’s parents, care givers and family is pivotal to the therapy program and is actively encouraged.

Read RCOT’s position on Paediatric Occupational Therapy here. 

Common Conditions that we work with:

girl cooking with mum
      • Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
      • Acquired Brain injury (ABI)
      • Acquired injuries
      • Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
      • Childhood Cancer
      • Cerebral Palsy
      • Congenital conditions
      • Developmental Co-ordination Disorder
      • Developmental Delay
      • Down’s Syndrome
      • Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
      • Hydrocephalus
      • Multiple Sclerosis (Child)
      • Muscular Dystrophy
      • Sensory Processing
      • Stroke
      • Spina Bifida

Areas in which we can help with:

playing outdoors Paediatric occupational therapist
        • Handwriting difficulties
        • Visual perception difficulties
        • Poor Balance and co-ordination
        • Personal care
        • Dyspraxia
        • Complex needs
        • Moving and handling
        • Postural and seating management
        • Wheelchairs
        • Access and major adaptations
        • Aids & Equipment
        • Dressing
        • Social skills
        • Fine motor difficulties
        • Concentration difficulties
        • Sensory regulation difficulties
        • Low confidence or self esteem

Paediatric Occupational Therapy

Benefits & Areas of input

PAediatric occupational therapy and child writing

Finger skills (Table Top or Fine Motor skills): pencil and scissor skills (colouring, drawing, writing), opening lunch bags, manipulating toothbrushes, tying shoelaces.

Whole body skills (Gross Motor skills): running, jumping, swimming, bike riding, ball skills, posture at the table.

Self-Care: daily life skills such as dressing, toileting, hygiene, eating, sleeping etc.

Specialist Aids & Equipment: Postural care, specialist seating assessments, specialist bathing & toileting aids/equip.

Executive Functioning: numerous mental skills that allows mastery of  learning such as working memory, flexible thinking, multi-tasking and self-control of concentration and attention.

Sensory Processing (for concentration and learning): sensory reactions within the body or in response to external stimulus which impacts on concentration, behaviour and learning.

Visual Processing: accurately interpreting visual information that helps skills such as literacy (reading, writing)

Self-Management: general organisation, keeping track of personal items, understanding time, and using money.

Access & Adaptations: Specialist home adaptations – wheelchair access, bathing, toileting, Safe spaces, garden access etc. Assistance and advice on accessing the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG).

children's occupational therapy assessment and treatment - writing

To find out more about independent Occupational Therapy and how we can help, please contact us. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation at your convenience.

We aim to respond to all contact within 24 hrs

The OT Rehab Potential Journey


Initial consultation about whether we can help


Specialised OT assessment specific to your needs


Detailed personalised report written up


Goal setting & planning with progress reviews