Adult OT Services

We have variety of Occupational Therapy (OT) services for Adults.

Adult OT (Occupational therapy) Services and interventions

Occupational Therapists use specialist assessments and interventions to develop, recover or maintain the meaningful activities or occupations of daily living. These can include Standardised tests and OT specific interventions and are tailored to your needs for the delivery and measure of the efficacy of the therapy.

OT’s are experts at independence training.

There are several specialist areas within the field of OT but at the heart of the profession is and has always been “to view & treat the person holistically within their specific environments”.  OT Rehab Potential doesn’t just treat a condition or disability – We treat a unique person on their personal rehab journey. 

These are some of the areas that we can assist with:

  • Functional Rehabilitation – General Independence in meaningful daily living activities eg: cooking, washing & dressing, eating, gardening, hobbies etc
  • Life skills training/retraining
  • Mental resilience including mindfulness, Stress & Anxiety management
  • Fatigue management
  • Cognitive training
  • PIP appeals supporting reports
  • Neurological rehabilitation
  • Hand therapy
  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Specialist Aids and Equipment including specialist seating
  • Accessibility and Adaptations to properties
  • Moving and Handling for those less mobile
  • Training and support for carers